Mittwoch, 14. September 2011
My vision of health care in America.
trickymaster, 00:43h

I'm dreaming of an America where people can finish their mental health treatment, where hospitals are rewarded for caring about patients and where people are not treated as numbers, but as humans with dignity.
There are not too many news on health care reform. Some have passed bills, other are on their way implementing the laws. But, there is something that might threaten all the progress that has been done for health care reform. President Obama's approval rating has been dropping as he continued to give in to Republican pressure. Bills that promised progress have been watered down to a degree where they are simply ineffective. On top of that, the Republican Party wants to see the Democratic President fail, even when it means to oppose their own ideology. It is incredibly important that Obama stays President for two reasons:
1. He's a leader. No doubt. There is no other Democratic candidate who could replace him on time and convince our nation that he/she is a good leader for this country.
2. The GOP candidates are completely nuts! All of them would repeal health insurance reform on day one and even privatize popular health care services such as Medicare. The Tea Party has forced the Republican Party to adopt its extremist ideologies or face losing voters during the primaries.
One cannot reason with the current Republican Party line-up. They do not care if they kill millions as long as their insane ideology is in place and enforced.
Yes, Obama has done relatively little in progress, but it is progress that we can built on. I take Obama over any of those nutjobs anyday.
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