Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011
The first Vermont single payer draft is in.
trickymaster, 18:38h

You can Download the full draft here: Link
You can watch the full draft here: Link
Vermonters will be able to choose between 3 proposals:
Option 1
1A--Government-run Single Payer system with comprehensive benefit package
1B—Government-run Single Payer system with essential benefit package
Option 2—Public Option
Option 3 (Public-Private Single Payer)
Essential benefit package, Independent board, third party manages provider relations and claim adjudication/processing
About 1A and 1B:
Comprehensive Benefit Package:
- Reduce financial barrier to provide easy access to all health services, including nursing home and homecare.
- Cover dental, nursing home and homecare.
- Emphasis prevention and primary care
- Financial risk protection against health expenditure tjat causes impoverishment.
• Cost sharing by patients: Very small co-payments to discourage improvident demand while not impede access.
Essential Benefit Package:
- Cover every resident with at least 87% of medical and 77%of drug expenses (as the average private health insurance now covers)
- Expand coverage for dental and vision care.
- Exclude nursing home and homecare.
- Emphasize prevention and primary care
- Financial risk protection against health expenditure that causes impoverishment by capping out-of-pocket cost.
- Availability of supplemental coverage in addition to the essential benefit package with private insurance.
• Cost sharing by patients: Modest copayments for outpatient services (no copayment for preventive services), and deductible and coinsurance for inpatient hospital services.
This is how much the options would save comparatively:

Dr. Hsiao recommends Option 3 which would create an independent single payer system that provides services through the private sector. It would save the most money and be the most flexible.
I disagree. Option 1A would cost more the first year, but the cost would lower over time compared to people living with Option 1B or 3 who would also have to purchase supplementary dental insurance. Does the first draft take that into consideration? I doubt. I also think that Option 3 is based on ideal market conditions which are never given in the real economy.
Option 1A provides far superior services over the long-run and avoids that Vermont has to go through decades of trial-and-error only to come to the same result that we see in European countries = a comprehensive universal health-care system.
My thoughts go hand-in-hand with Don McCanne's, MD, findings. He is Senior Health Policy Fellow at Physicians for a National Health Program and also well-known for his voice in the successful California OneCare campaign.
However, I agree with the concepts of Option 3. The single payer health-care system should be government-owned but operate with the least distortion through interest groups in favor of the beneficiaries.
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