Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010
Do the health reforms require insurers to offer dental coverage?
trickymaster, 22:53h

"Q. Does the health care reform law require insurers to offer dental coverage?
A. No. The law doesn't require insurers to cover dental care for adults, but there's a good chance that could change when the state insurance exchanges begin operating in 2014. [...]
Although adult dental care is not among some examples of benefits the law says must be covered, consumer advocates say it appears that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services could include it in the regulations that will detail what essential benefits must be provided."
In other words, bad news. I'm disappointed that the government completely underestimates the life-saving importance of dental coverage. Diseases in the mouth that are not treated can cause serious heart diseases. However:
"The law treats children differently from adults when it comes to dental care. Health care plans sold in the exchanges must include dental coverage for children. The age limit will be set in the regulations."
Source: http://www.aarp.org/health/health-care-reform/info-12-2010/hcr_explained_dental_coverage.html
This is the typical attitude towards dental care. People assume it is something only minors need to put their teeth in the right order. That's simply not true. Every person needs to go to dental check-ups at least twice a year.
The separation of health, dental and eye care is one of the biggest scams of the private health insurance industry. The health of a person depends on the regular and cooperation of all those fields. That's why universal health care systems do not distinguish between the two. All get their money from a single fund through rates, premiums or taxes.
If the United States wants to work towards the goal of universal health care, the HHS must require insurers to provide health, dental and visual in a single, comprehensive health plan or better, set up a single payer health-care system that funds all three. I want to thank Ms. Jaffe for doing a great job of informing the public about this. For most people (including myself) it is nearly impossible to find out what kind of services will be guaranteed under the new law.
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