Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010
Health care updates!
trickymaster, 23:58h

1. The first wave of Health insurance reform came into effect:
Insurers will no longer be able to
- Deny coverage to kids with pre-existing conditions.
- Put lifetime limits on benefits.
- Cancel your policy without proving fraud. Health plans can’t retroactively cancel insurance coverage
- Deny claims without a chance for appeal.
- Receive cost-free preventive services.
- Keep young adults on a parent’s plan until age 26.
- Choose a primary care doctor, ob/gyn and pediatrician.
- Use the nearest emergency room without penalty.
Well, but all these things will not help as long as they only apply to new individual insurance plans. In addition to that, those plans are 30% higher so the overwhelming majority will not be able to afford care.

It will create a five-member oversight board that will be responsible for running the exchange and negotiate premiums. The legislation forbids insurance industry representatives, health care providers and others with direct conflicts of interest from taking a seat on the board. Other bills were also signed to increase transparency of premium hikes and to bar insurers from denying coverage for children.
Source: http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/local/health/article_62db4fdc-d232-11df-86bb-001cc4c03286.html
While this might seem like a big step, mainstream media completely ignored the bills, Schwarzenegger vetoed:
- AB 1600, mental health parity
- AB 2402, limiting rate increases
- SB 56, public health options
- AB 2540, increase fines for improper rescinding of consumer’s coverage
Source: http://www.healthycal.org/schwarzenegger-vetoes-health-reform-bills.html

"The coalition government’s plans for the NHS represent the final conversion of healthcare into something to be bought, with really good care going to those who can pay for it and only a defined ‘package’ of free treatments, of declining quality, for everyone else.
What has already occurred with dentistry, physiotherapy, podiatry and other services will start happening across the board. ‘Top-ups’ and ‘co-payments’ will become standard. Some treatments will cease to be available freely on the NHS and have to be paid for – if you can afford it.
It’s already happening all over England, as staff and services are cut to meet the government’s demand for £20 billion ‘savings’ over the next five years. GPs are being told to refer many fewer patients to specialists."
Source: http://pnhp.org/news/2010/october/dismantling-the-nhs
Once again, people will suffer because conservatives refuse to understand that health care cannot be compared to a car or a house. Demand and supply can't apply to something everyone needs to survive. A good health care system must make millions of "irrational" choices in order to save human lives.