Montag, 22. März 2010
Health Insurance Reform passed!
trickymaster, 22:40h

Or should I better say a reconciliation bill? Because we still have a long way to go until we have a health care system that serves the people, a system in which you can put your life into the hands of the government and not private enterprise who will sell it on the Stock market, a system in which you won't have to worry about which doctor or hospital will cover you because you are free to go to any hospital and doctor without any fees.
This system could be a multi payer health-care system (Public and Private plans), a single payer health-care system (One single fund) or a publicly-funded health-care system (Completely government-run). No matter which one the United States will choose, it will save trillions over decades.
California once again is a pioneer in this field. With two single payer health-care bills vetoed by Schwarzenegger in 2006 and 2008, California Legislature is taking its thrid run on a Single Payer Health-Care system that could be signed by the new Democratic Governor (Jerry Brown) or passed after the state elections through a healthy majority that can override the veto. All my hope is in this bill. If it passes, other blue states will follow suit in a matter of months followed by red states in a matter of years.
It will be the Canadian way. This will be our time.
California Universal Health-Care. A story of struggle.