Donnerstag, 11. März 2010
Support for Public Option grows! Health Care deadline March 18, 2010
trickymaster, 18:53h
We have to thank the House and private Health insurance companies.
- The House because they pushed for a petition to revive the public option. They really are our Representatives.
- Private health insurance companies for raising the rates. That makes even the last one realize that they are exploiting people.
What would follow would be a comprehensive amendment that includes the public option and revives many other progressive proposals that have passed the House.
41 Senators have signed the petition to revive the public option. It also is certain that two more Senators (Rockefeller and Harkin) will vote for a public option. Including Vice President Biden, that makes 44 votes which means we need 6 more votes to introduce the Public Option through reconciliation! Let's hope they can make it.
Who signed the Petition for a Public Option:
Public Option revived (Huffington Post)
Pelosi proceeds without Abortion compromise: